Accurate Replica Gustav Stickley Oak Music Cabinet

Gustav Stickley design. Hammered copper hardware. 5 Adjustable Shelves. Accurate replication of a Gustav Stickley #70 Music Cabinet. Enough room to be used for audio components (addition of venting required) or as a bookcase. Solid quarter-sawn oak, pinned 'thru-tenon' construction and hand hammered copper pulls. Signed & Dated.

Product ID: #420
Dimensions: 46H 20W 16D
Price:$Price upon request.

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Detail, two of the eight pinned through-tenons.

Detail, two of the eight pinned through-tenons.

Hand hammered copper hardware.

Hand hammered copper hardware.

Shown with doors open, five adjustable shelves.

Shown with doors open, five adjustable shelves.

Detail functional full mortise lock.

Detail functional full mortise lock.